History of Asean and Asean (Plus)

1. Meaning and History of ASEAN

ASEAN, or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, is a political and economic organization of ten Southeast Asian countries. It was formed on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand  .

2. The Purpose of ASEAN
  • To accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural development in the region.
  • To promote regional peace and stability.
  • To promote collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interest.
  • To provide assistance to each other in the form of training and research facilities.
  • To collaborate for the better utilisation of agriculture and industry to raise the living standards of the people.
  • To promote Southeast Asian studies.
  • To maintain close, beneficial co-operation with existing international organisations with similar aims and purposes.
3. Memberso of ASEAN

  1. Indonesia                     Joined      ASEAN      on       8 August 1967
  2. Malaysia                     Joined       ASEAN      on       8 August 1967
  3. The Philippines          Joined       ASEAN       on      8 August 1967
  4. Singapore                   Joined       ASEAN       on      8 August 1967
  5. Thailand                     Joined       ASEAN       on      8 August 1967
  6. Brunei ​​​​​                        Joined      ASEAN        on     7 January 1984
  7. Vietnam                      Joined      ASEAN        on     28 July 1995
  8. Laos                            Joined      ASEAN        on     23 July 1997
  9. Myanmar (Burma)      Joined      ASEAN        on     23 July 1997
  10. Cambodia                   Joined       ASEAN        on     30 April 1999 

4. What is ASEAN way?

The 'ASEAN Way' refers to a methodology or approach to solving issues that respects the cultural norms of Southeast Asia.

5.What are ASEAN Plus Countries?

     When you see ASEAN +1 or ASEAN +2 it means meetings between ASEAN and countries/dialogue partners outside ASEAN,
for example,

     ASEAN+1 means ASEAN + China or Japan or Korea or India. So in this case the plus country is not fixed.

     ASEAN+3 means ASEAN+China+Japan+Korea; that's fixed.

     SEAN Plus 6
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